Well, that went down as not one of my better cooks. Not a complete failure, but no where near a success either. I thought I was getting a brisket flat, but seemed like quite a bit of the point was part of the 7.81# cut. It went on the pit set for 225 at 1:30am. Internal hit 165 at 12:30 pm Saturday afternoon. I elected to put in in a disposable tin with some beef broth and vermouth, and wrapped tightly with aluminum foil. At about 3:50 the temp was at 196. I probed it and it seemed like it was probably done then, but I did not trust my instincts and kept it on the pit until internal temp was 200. It reached that temp at 4:40. I pulled off the pit, took the meat out of the tin and wrapped in aluminum foil and FTC. Tried to slice the brisket at about 6:30 for dinner, and it just fell apart. Was over done. Interesting enough, the meat was still pretty moist and tasted really good, but really could not be sliced well. My wife did not want it chopped, so I did the best I could. Kicking myself in the butt because it was probably very good when probed at 196. Live and learn. Going to freeze a good portion of the remaining for a later chili cook.
Answering my original question, although I did not have a successful cook, it does seem like a prime brisket cooks about the same as a choice. User error resulted in a disappointing result more than the meat itself. The times were pretty similar to previous choice brisket cooks.
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