I was always under the impression this sandwich was made from the loin, now I am coming to see it is called a tenderloin. So not sure. I have both, it just seems like the tenderloin is such a small diameter. I was thinking that maybe the tenderloin was cut very thick, then butterflied, then pounded out. I will probably use the loin as it is bigger, and once I pass it through the Sportsman Meat Tenderizer and pound out it should be good.
I am just now thawing the loin for dinner tomorrow night so I don't have any photos except some stock one. I pretty much know what condiment and topping go on an "original", but was curious what you members though might taste good?
If you have never had one, it is loin cutlet, beaten thing, battered, dredged, seasoned...take your pick and then deep fried and served on a ? bun...
Will try and add some pictures tomorrow!