Any particular reason why you are using cure in your jerky?
A couple reasons for me.
I usually leave mine set out on the counter in a container. I do package some and freeze or if I give it away.
I don't dry mine as much as it probably should be.
I also don't mind if it has fat in it, I actually like some streaks of fat through it. with out cure it would go rancid and or mold quickly probably even in the fridge.
I make out of Chicken and Turkey. When I started using poultry, I just decided to use it in all of it. I didn't used to when I did just beef. But then I also only made maybe 3 or 4 pound of meat at a time. Now most of the time I do 10# min. Did 11 pounds of chicken about 4 weeks ago, only used the dehydrator for it. There is still maybe 10 pieces left in a plastic container on the counter, it still has some moisture to it. No mold or any thing on it.
My first go at poultry was when I bought my cabelas dehydrator. The recipe I used, I think came from the manual was for turkey, it said to cook it in the oven until it hit 160. What a mess at low temps it collected water probably from the injection, and then had to dry it. I went years with out ever trying it again. I had started using some jerky kits all had cure in them, and one day I thought I would try turkey again with out precooking it. Bought a breast and gave it a shot, I didn't die, it tasted much better than the first time and it had shelf life. I probably have not made jerky or snack stick without cure for 30 years. I know a lot of people that don't use cure, but then they only do maybe 5 pound of meat at a time and they keep it in the fridge or their family eats it with in a few days. I am the only person here that eats it so it lasts me a while even with giving some to a few others at times.