I do not know how it works. I know that a short load cost more and it is anything less then 9 yards. I still can't seem to get an answer on what it will cost per yard if a short load. She says $27/yard more, so I say 3 yards will be $173/yard and she says no, it will be 7 yards at regular yard price to have 3 yards delivered...I realize I am in no shape or mood for this BS now and say thank you and good-bye...AA must be working, cuz just or 15 years ago, that phone conversation would have gone a whole different way!
We won't put the shed in for months...I guarantee I am not pouring concrete again till it is in the 50's! So it really does not matter what the cost is right now. What I did find eye opening is the cost of bagged cement. I assumed doing bags of concrete would always be cheaper then having it delivered. Wrong. According to my calculations, it takes 45 bags of 80lb. bags to equal 1 yard. At the current cost of $4.78/bag, that is $215/yard without tax or rental of mixer for said bags.
It has been a long morning!