That is a nice looking sammie you made there.
Prices here are usually 1.49 to 1.69 sometimes .99 but not that often anymore. I looked at Gian Eagle yesterday just walking pass and they were 2.79 I believe. GE meat prices are always high. When they put them on sale for buy one get one the price goes up to 3.79. They had Top Round London Broils for 3.99 but nothing cut thick like they used to, I was going to get a few and make some jerky. The meat dept was closed at the time we were there or I would have asked the to cut some.
I usually do fat down because I get more bark on the meat. I don't think you get nice bark on the bottom with fat up as the juices run down and always keep the bottom wet, but that may be just me. Plus since I usually do them in the little cookshack electric the bottoms get over cooked being so close the heat, unless I only do one or two and can keep them on an upper rack.
I like some good pulled pork now and then, and people like it when i make it, my problem is by the time I get it pulled, I am nt hungry for it. I really like to cure them and make pulled ham.