Bent and I are members of the Brandy Station Volunteer Fire Dept Aux. The Aux raises money for the FD, primarily through cooking. We hold a fried chicken dinner twice a year as a fund raiser. All you can eat -- fried chicken, corn pudding, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, cole slaw, rolls, dessert and a drink. All home made. $12 a person -- kids under 5 are free and 5-10 are $6 (several members think we are charging too much). The doors are open from 5 to 7 pm.
Yesterday was the fall dinner. We served 427 people, which was over 100 more than we thought we would have based on last fall's numbers. I was there from 8:30 am to 8 pm. We had about 7 people for most of the day and then another 6 showed up from 4 pm on. We are a small group so it is a lot of work, but at least it was a success financially. The tilt skillet in the final pic cooked over 900 pieces of chicken, was then cleaned and cooked all the green beans.
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