I did a tri-tip tonight. Below is how I did this one, and it is typically my go to method. Always comes out great. This one was no exception.
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First I start with a 30 minute Salt brine. This I only recently started doing because I saw it on "How to BBQ rite" (I am not sure it has made much of a difference).
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Then I rinse the salt off, dry the meet then season it with Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Stubb's Beef spice, and usually McCormick's steak seasoning, but I tried Stubb's Steak Seasoning tonight.
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On the Davy Crockett at 200-220 until an internal temp of 115 is reached.
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After that I sear it in a cast iron skillet with olive oil until an internal temp of 125. Then it rests for ten minutes and gets sliced. I did this one with the fat cap on. It was the first time I did that. We really liked it.
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Served with some sauteed onions and mushrooms
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