I think the name is pretty much a Des Moines thing, I've never noticed it on a menu anywhere else. It's beef filet, in a garlic, pepper, herb sauce either in olive oil (my preference) or a cream and butter sauce. It's in most of the nicer restaurants around town here. I didn't make my own sauce as one of the restaurants I used to get it at sells their sauce at the local supermarket.
So I salted filets a couple hours ahead, added POG before cooking. Put them on the Camp Chef at 225 until they hit 125, then threw on the gasser for a quick sear. Rest of family at like that, I used the DeBurgo sauce.
These were the last and best 4 of the filets from the whole peeled tenderloin I picked up at Costco over summer and separated. Steak was fabulous, but next time I’ll probably either just buy filets or just slice it without separating, not sure it’s worth all the work.