Bentley, the “Meat Goo” sounds great! Thanks for the offer. My wife (a.k.a. engineering consultant) and I were joking that we should come up with a stapler that uses food grade meat staples! The goo is better yet and will be a game changer!
The taco holders are also a brilliant idea. Thanks for all the different suggestions. Big Dave, I think you are right, the wider bottom ones are probably the way to go. I have seen them used for holding tacos, but never would have thought to cook with them. They should be perfect for forming the shells. My initial thought is to bake the shells upside down on the holders. Hopefully it will maintain the shape while allowig the fat to drain, rather than pool at the bottom. I will order some tonight and keep you posted as things progress.
I am grateful for a few snow days, which freed up some time to experiment. I figured there would be a learning curve. Typically, I wait till the last minute and get really frustrated when things don’t go as planned!
Kristin, what is the Western Mac-and-Cheese you mentioned? I haven't started thinking about that part of it yet, other than making sure the filling isn't too creamy and sloppy.
Thanks for all of your help!