Does that front lower panel come off if you need to get to the fan, starter etc.?
I spoke to the owner yesterday and got some interesting info:
The stove part is the same as in the other units, except the fire pot , auger and fan face the opposite direction. (the others models empty ash from the front, and have pellets hopper behind). The point being that you get the same unique inner mechanism that is in the more expensive units. The ECO unit may be continued depending on sales, but parts such as hot rod, ash pan, motors, fans etc will be available since they are the same as the other units have. (Hope this is correct, as I don't want to mislead). I advised the owner (partner of 3) to check out Pellet Fans as it might be to his advantage to be able to answer more questions about his product. Don't know if this fits with Bentley's rules? I'm still interested, but the Eco listed on Am. is the last one in stock, also he has one more without the lower cabinet enclosure for $899.